Power & Perspective - The Art of Appropriate Encouragement

Leaders today may find that “blanket encouragement to rally the troops” has fallen short and in turn, employees may find “wide-sweeping rally cries” to be unauthentic. In a busy world that

some may find chaotic and loud, being concise, thoughtful, and authentic can make all the difference in developing a deeper understanding and a stronger connection.

My presentation seeks to ignite the power a person possesses to influence, guide, and encourage. Each participant in a conversation owns their power to appropriately give and

receive ideas, empathy, and understanding - this revelation gives way to a new perspective on communication and its intentionality.

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About Our Speaker

Kendall is a Certified Life Coach & Addiction Recovery coach who has dedicated the past four years to sharing the power of encouragement. She has a weekly podcast, Encouragementolgy,

with 144 episodes and over 5,000 downloads. She produces a weekly radio show on WDBX 91.1FM, Encouragementology. Kendall leads 4 support groups per week through her outreach:

Women Connect and Senior Connect. She has been a weekly volunteer support group leader at Gateway Drug Rehab in Carbondale, IL for 3 years.

Kendall has spoken on a local, regional, and national level. She has been a co-host and speaker for Women of Worth for 4 years, a featured speaker at Girl’s World Expo and Southern

Women’s Show, and accepted any chance to speak with senior organizations, focusing on senior isolation and Alzheimer support groups.

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